
Access frequently used sections of the app

Let's check each section together.


This button brings you back to the main pane.


To scan a private asset you need to be connected to your account and have adequate permissions from its owner.

To scan a QR code click this button. You will be asked for authorization to use the phone's camera before scanning the code. When a valid QR code is scanned you will automatically be brought back to the main pane with the scanned asset loaded.

It is self-explanatory. It helps you find quickly your assets and the ones that others have shared with you.

Main pane

This is the main part of the application, where all the information based on what you've selected in the menu is shown.

On the homepage, you can manually select an asset from a specific binder if you don't have access to its QR code or if you need to switch assets to view its content.


To view maintenances in this section, they need to have the ongoing or the scheduled state.

This section shows the maintenances of a selected asset. You can view and follow ongoing and scheduled maintenances. If you're responsible for the maintenance, you can edit its state from started, completed, or on hold if it's blocked for whatever reason.


This section provides details of a selected asset. You can view basic information and its attached documents.


This section enables you to report an asset that is broken or one that needs maintenance. The manager of the asset will then receive a notification of your report. Once he changes the maintenances state, you'll be notified. A list of reports made on this asset is shown, by opening a report you can vote for the ones that apply to you instead of duplicating the same information. The severity of a report is based on the repercussions it can have, so choose wisely.


The mobile application is easily downloadable here.

Last updated